Thursday, November 18, 2010

A peek through Wendy's Window...

I would love for you to share any information regarding my daughter and/or me on your blog (which I have been visiting)! "Wendy's Window" is a very catchy title! I do feel very strongly about women in the military and (obviously) instilled the notion -- "You can do ANYTHING you desire...because YOU are a strong, intelligent and dedicated woman" -- in my daughter her entire life. I have many, many stories I could share w/you that might inspire other young women -- allowing them to REALLY KNOW that they ARE CAPABLE of great things, no matter their life circumstances. It would be a honor and a blessing to be able to share these stories, in the hope that if they touch even one young woman and inspire her to greatness, then my daughter would have a "legacy" -- so to speak. I'd like to share one, short example...if you don't mind...

Would love to receive feedback on Wendy's Window and to receive stories from Veterans, their spouses and family members regarding their unique stories and thoughts on their loved ones and the PROCESS behind their willingness to participate in a service to our country.

Thank You Wendy for sharing your daughter (name withheld) and your desire to be an inspiration!

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