Friday, November 12, 2010


Everyone knows the story of David versus goliath, right? If not, check out the premiere of my trilogy. Goliath had the attributes of someone EXTREMELY intimidating, he was HUGE and I can imagine that he was ripped with muscles.  In fact Goliath brings to mind several bullies I’ve met as a youngster who would strike fear into my heart and several bullies that I’m dealing with CURRENTLY….more on that later…Goliath’s don’t always have to be physically imposing, they can hold economic might (such as a bank or country), authoritative power (federal, state and local governments), control of natural resources (utility companies).  As I’ve gotten older, I prefer the bullies who rely on just physical might, because the other type of Goliaths are ALOT more dangerous and subversive.
In the story, I’m sure Goliath looked down at David and couldn’t help but grin. I mean here was this puny kid with a slingshot….I can hear the jeers from Goliaths squad counting another victory. I can also feel the stress and fear from David’s squad that this kid was called to defeat Goliath, ruh roh….and with a slingshot…ooookkkaaayyy….
Goliath does all the things a bully does, they scream, push, taunt, threaten, intimidate and REMIND you of just how small you are and the amount of power at their disposal.  Just do it my way and I may let you live. WTF? We’re living in a society that today, we all cover for Goliath, because he’s soooo powerful and without Goliath, we just couldn’t make it. We turn our minds and our lives over to almighty Goliath! I mean we have teachers and schools raising our children, we let politicians tell us what to believe in and vote for, we allow pharmaceutical companies to market synthesized cures that have side effects worse than the disease, Television has become everyone’s nanny, We allow our governments to harass, harang and incarcerate groups of people with the least amount of evidence and a ton of bureaucratic pestering. Is it just me or does this sound like lunacy? We have the government in OUR minds, bodies, values and freedoms! THIS ISN’T MY AMERICA! I didn’t raise my right hand and pledge an oath to serve, defend and die so that Goliath could make David his bitch. As we survey the attitude that Goliath has, it would be a sense of arrogance, persuasiveness and malevolence. Goliath exudes arrogance because he know s that he created a system that everyone feeds on and without that system things would die (too big to fail come to mind?), so Goliath creates special-interest groups and woo politicians in an effort to feed his big appetite for more power and control. Which leads into persuasiveness, Goliath can be a real charmer, has to be…because people need to think they NEED Goliath, we were bombed on 9/11, we need the Patriotic Act, way too many illegal immigrants, let’s start “rounding ‘em up” He’s going to destroy the health care system as we know it! Goliath usually starts off with something simple to SCARE us into giving him more power.    Goliath is so massive that of course he’d overlook any weak areas; I mean there isn’t any right? If there are, then let’s wait to see how this all pans out and if it goes critical mass, then we’ll let the next guy worry about it. Goliath is ultimately malevolent because if you don’t “play ball” or if Goliath has a system designed just right and you fail to play along? Goliath will attempt to silence you.  Goliath has gotten smart over the centuries, the biblical Goliath WASN’T a charmer, but as all things evolve, so did Goliath and he found it necessary to become a charmer and to “encourage” people to see things his way. Goliath’s gotta eat! There are a great many leadership lessons to be found regarding Goliath and we will discuss those after finding out what it means to be David, for we’re all David at one time or another. The deal with Goliath is ultimately he’s a coward and once you break through the fear and intimidation of his size, scope of influence and strength, Goliath CAN and WILL be defeated.  All you need is the proper weapon and know where to strike.

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