Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As I began this blog in an effort to meet request from several people who were interested in "hearing" my voice and the subsequent emails, facebook request and twitter comments of support and encouragement, I am pleased to announce that The GENEuine Article is GROWING!

I received a very heartwarming story that has inspired me to create a new storyline entitled WENDY'S WINDOW. The significance of this is that it will feature stories and snippets from the vantage point of the parents of young people who have chosen to serve in our country's armed forces. Wendy, the mother of a naval academy graduate wrote to me and has given me permission to publish that letter on this blog. My gift to her and her family will be an ongoing piece that bears her name. The last 4 years of my career in the Air Force, I was chosen to serve as an Air Force Recruiter. I was barely in my 20's and here I was an ambassador to my community. The MOST rewarding part of this special duty assignment was my involvement not only with community leaders and politicians, but, my participation in the lives of my recruits families. The countless dinners, invitations to weddings and funerals and christenings, that over the years, I simply chalked it up to just doing my job. I was an EXTREMELY successful Recruiter. The ONE thing that made me MOST successful was my ability to present the Air Force mission without deceiving one, single recruit. NOT A SINGLE ONE! THANK YOU Wendy for reminding me of this and that my service hasn't stopped just because I'm out of the Air Force. This is for you and your gift to your country....your daughter....GOD BLESS!

Secondly, expect another addition to the blog entitled "BeSIDE every great man..." I'm pleased to announce that this will be written by a soon to be PHD that will inform, educate and entertain from a wide variety of topics. Raw and unedited by me, after all this is The GENEuine Article and censorship would make it less than GENEuine. :-)
I hope you enjoy and encourage more and more people to follow.


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