Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's THAT time again!!!

So, As I'm sitting here reflecting on a very trying and difficult period of my life, it dawns on me that THANKSGIVING is less than 48 hours away. I'm watching christmas trees being put up and decorations being hung and lights taking over neighborhoods. We are currently still facing high unemployment rates, two wars on foreign soil and I start to think is there much to be thankful for? Am I in the mood for all this "comfort and joy?"
I mean, I have worries and concerns about how I'm going to pay my rent, put gas in my car (have gas prices gone up?), starting a company and of course what does everyone want for Christmas? I mean I haven't even bought a turkey yet! Sheesh!
Just as I begin to go on a Scrooge bender and say the heck with it all, I get a call from a friend that their mother is on hospice and dying of ovarian cancer, another friend calls because he just came from his honeymoon or I've just had the opportunity to give advice to two young men in their 30's looking to me as a mentor or I've just spent an evening eating tutti fruitii yogurt with a teenager who thinks I'm cool...slowly it starts to sink in that amidst it all, I have EVERYTHING I need and more and for that, there's more than enough reason to give thanks.

So, to each and everyone who reads this may you ALWAYS without hesitation take a moment and look around and be sure to give thanks, not just for the holiday, but each and every day.


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