
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Lifting Wendy's Window

Wendy has been gracious enough to let us take another look inside her window, below is an excerpt from her newest addition. Please visit The GENEuine Article at for the rest of the story. It's beautiful!

It’s that time of year, isn’t it? Time to reflect upon holidays past, traditions, loved ones and all we have to be thankful for. Thanksgiving was particularly wonderful this year! My daughter was home from Japan --

Friday, November 26, 2010


Ok, Ok, I must admit that I'm trying to keep up with the joneses. The GENEuine Article is now providing authentic commentary on business, fashion and fitness via TWITTER. Take a moment to be motivated, inspired, challenged and edified. If you are a twitter subscriber, won't you follow The GENEuine Article and catch updates about Wendy's Window?

Our 15 minutes are up????

As I watched this past episode of The Apprentice, it is apparent that with NO LIVE FINALE, this series has come to a close. Perhaps, it was DOA, I'm not sure. But, it's time to close my task reviews as the program has been gasping for air and has chosen to go quietly into the night.

There are those who felt that my reviews have been harsh and my assessment of my fellow contestants were made with malice, I assure you no malice was intended and as far as my fellow contestants go, they need to search themselves and reflect on their behavior when the cameras WEREN'T rolling. Now, I don't claim to be a paragon of virtue and values, but, I've found it best to maintain WHO I am regardless of what's at stake.

I want to be clear, I'm ending my reviews because my request were heard and I was given the opportunity to re mediate my brand and undo some of the damage that was done. I feel it's time to move onward and upward. While The Apprentice wasn't the experience I had hoped for, it is over and it's on my list of one more thing I've done. It's time to close this paragraph in a page of my life and move on.

I'm fortunate to have acquired one really genuine friend from this experience and SHE knows who she is...
The GENEuine Article will remain an AUTHENTIC voice.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Task 9 Review:  In an accelerating spiral of decline, this week’s task was to be a commercial for ATT and Flo TV.  Stephanie immediately pounces on the PM role.  Of course she has had experience in digital media!  Her decision to delegate to Liza was a critical error.  She wanted to boss everyone (including the director).  The only problem with that was running on turbo speed with a terrible idea will only get you nowhere fast(er).  The blame game just keeps rolling.  It is terribly sad to see the all female and diverse team just rip each other to shreds and self destruct in the process. 
            Not that Octane was faring a whole lot better.  Steuart jumps in as the PM for this task, but he completely wimps out when Clint grabs control and barrels forward with his slapstick ideas.  Brandi goes ‘deer in headlights’ for most of the task.  I wouldn’t call this one a win by any stretch.  Is it just me or does Clint just look bumpkin-ier (yes, that’s a word) every week?  What was up with the Pee Wee Herman hair and Jerry Lewis schtick?  What has goofy got to do with it?  If it was Donald Duck’s apprentice, okay. Donald Trump, I think not.  Additionally, how was Clint quick to put the kibosh on ‘sex sells’ this week citing the fact that he has three sons? He was into it last week.  I guess some people really will do anything to win.
            The icing on this cake was Brandi’s second misreading of her own notecards.  If I stumbled through one task and was branded illiterate, what does that make Brandi?  The boardroom has become a snoozefest as everyone’s shortcomings are glossed over.  Mr. Trump must just be pulling names out of hats at this point because NONE of these folks has what it takes.  Steuart is completely mum as he offered nothing in terms of leadership.  Octane just sucked a little less than Fortitude.  Thankfully, Stephanie got the boot.  She is so arrogant and conceited it is nice to know we will be spared more of her resume embellishments in the last few episodes.  What is more concerning is of what we will not be spared.  More of Clint’s campy spoofs and gags?  Clint and Steuart’s boyish shenanigans? Brandi’s bumbles and stumbles? Liza’s dodging of any and all responsibility for anything?  I did have to laugh out loud during Stephanie and Rockport’s Next Steps.  The way she spun her new ‘job’ was laugh out loud hilarious.  She said she is working for the Trump Organization.  What she meant to say was that she is working for the Trump Network.  Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not a network in the television media sense of the word.  It is a network like Mary Kay, Avon and Amway are networks. Argh!!!! The sad truth is that no one has gotten a job that pays as a result of being on this show.  Here is the running tally to date:

Uh....update coming in a special segment....
    Okay, you are a billionaire who sees the struggling economy and doesn’t like what he sees.  You proclaim (from the back of your limo) that you are going to ‘do something about it’.  DO a "Where are they Now?" and tell me—What is it that has been done?  None of us is better off, and many are just struggling to get out of bed in the morning.  This is Mr. Trump’s effort to give folks a second chance?  WOW! Someone tell the emperor that the draft he is feeling may be due to the fact that he is parading down Madison Avenue without a stitch on!!!

OWN IT-ism #9:  Do not let your personal like or dislike of a person lead you to ignore or underestimate their value and potential to sink your ship. Liza’s criticisms were valid.  Her incompetence was fatal.  Stephanie ignored both and paid the price.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

It's THAT time again!!!

So, As I'm sitting here reflecting on a very trying and difficult period of my life, it dawns on me that THANKSGIVING is less than 48 hours away. I'm watching christmas trees being put up and decorations being hung and lights taking over neighborhoods. We are currently still facing high unemployment rates, two wars on foreign soil and I start to think is there much to be thankful for? Am I in the mood for all this "comfort and joy?"
I mean, I have worries and concerns about how I'm going to pay my rent, put gas in my car (have gas prices gone up?), starting a company and of course what does everyone want for Christmas? I mean I haven't even bought a turkey yet! Sheesh!
Just as I begin to go on a Scrooge bender and say the heck with it all, I get a call from a friend that their mother is on hospice and dying of ovarian cancer, another friend calls because he just came from his honeymoon or I've just had the opportunity to give advice to two young men in their 30's looking to me as a mentor or I've just spent an evening eating tutti fruitii yogurt with a teenager who thinks I'm cool...slowly it starts to sink in that amidst it all, I have EVERYTHING I need and more and for that, there's more than enough reason to give thanks.

So, to each and everyone who reads this may you ALWAYS without hesitation take a moment and look around and be sure to give thanks, not just for the holiday, but each and every day.


Sunday, November 21, 2010

UGH...Pass me the REMOTE!

Task 7 Review:  The Macy’s competition using Trump’s Menswear line marks the end of the girls vs. boys arrangement.  With Brandy and David leading the teams, each side set about to develop and execute a photo shoot to market the shirts, cuff links  and ties designed by The Donald.  David immediately  began channeling Karl Lagerfeld looking for another success as a creative mastermind.  His clear dislike for Anand was palpable.  Poppy became involved in creating and yet another tacky deliverable.  She cleverly (insert sarcasm here) creates a ‘T’, as in Trump, of thumbnail photos.  WOW, break out the glue gun!  Meanwhile Stephanie continued offering worthless advice.  I kept waiting for her to give another self-aggrandizing narrative about her prior experience as a tailor of men’s clothing in Milan or stint as a magazine editor on Madison Avenue.  That Stephanie really gets around.  Too bad that she was so busy stroking David’s ego, that she failed to mention that the model’s clothes didn’t fit. 
Speaking of girls who get around, Brandy was having issues of her own.  The models booked for Team Octane did not show up.  Awww shucks.  That is so surprising (wink, wink).  And of course, who would be more than willing to take one (a photo that is) for the team?  Not to be out pimped,  Steuart jumps into the fray.  The morning after theme was brought to you by Clint/Pat Robertson as he dubbed Trump’s brand, “wealth, power and sexual prowess”.  While I am sure that Mr. Trump loves that moniker, no one else (including the Macy’s execs) was comfortable with the overtly sexual appeal.  Though Brandy had previously asserted that she did not want to use sex to sell, her Fortitude had weakened a few weeks back with ‘Babes on Bikes’. What remained totally collapsed, as did my respect for her, when she hopped on the bed in nothing but her man’s shirt and cheesed for the camera with Stu’s hand on her leg. Good thing Clint had already ascertained that Brandy had good legs. Not sure that’s what Jesus would do, my man . 
As the two teams make presentations to the Macy’s folks, the unthinkable happens.  Brandy stumbles over her own words as she reads from her note cards.  You may recall that Steuart did the same thing the previous week.  I cannot resist but point out that these two contestants experienced a similar lapse in eloquence as I did.  What is not similar is the way in which these two’s gaffes were handled by Mr. Trump.  Steuart received a five second slap on the wrist. Brandy’s was not even discussed.  Meanwhile, I am labeled illiterate and unable to read or speak.  If we were dancing to ‘Cotton Eyed Joe’, there would be a refrain that I would sing at the top of my lungs right about now. 
But I digress.  As both projects and teams were evaluated, David clearly sets himself up as the sole proprietor of Fortitude’s project.  He seems meek and mild.  Perhaps the model gave him his number.  Or maybe they slipped him a Xanax.  Whatever they did, his firing was anti-climactic and totally un-David.  No chairs were overturned.  For the first and only time, David seemed sane.  I think that everyone was just sick of him.  He was probably sick of himself too—he went out with a whimper.  I don’t think that either project was really great.  Trump’s ego just once again did the thinking for him.  This week was fairly dull as most of them have been since my departure (I know I may be a little biased), but next week’s teaser about catching a cheater leaves me hoping for better.
OWN IT-ISM #7:  When you brand yourself, own the brand and protect the brand.  Crazy David did not do that, Moral Majority Clint did not do that, Brains over Breasts Brandy did not do that.  This week they each sold out to win.  Winning a task and losing your brand in the process is nothing to celebrate.
TASK 8 REVIEW:  With David gone, we should have known that something would have to be done to get everyone talking again.  The teasers, “Who is the Cheater?” ran all week.  Speculation ran wild (not really, but it sounds cool).  We didn’t have to wait long to see Anand get called on the carpet for texting during the Pedi Cab Task.  Apparently, Anand had been inviting friends to come to the task site and bring him money.  It was really painful watching him lie to Mr. Trump’s face, but Anand owned his mistake-eventually.  Everyone looked uncomfortable.  If you look very closely a couple of contestants look downright nauseated.  According to Ahnan’s most recent interview, they had good reason to be nervous.  Apparently there is more than one cheater on this show.  Though Ahnan deserved to be fired, he should have had a few friends flanking him as he took his walk of shame sans cab and overcoat.  This marks another firing with extreme prejudice.  My, Mahsa and Anand’s firings had distinctly personal, inaccurate and damaging treatments.  I won’t drag you through the details but suffice to say, this show is the reason that the Today Show aired a special about suicides rising among reality stars.  Each one of us knew what we were getting into, but none of us expected what we got.  The brutal, career ending labels of illiterate, lying and cheating are not easy to overcome in good economic times.  In this climate, they can prove fatal.
After Ahan’s departure, the Kim Kardashian fragrance display task begins.  Poppy steps up to lead Fortitude and Clint takes charge of Octane.  Poppy and Stephanie immediately relegate Liza to the warehouse to do the dirty work.  I could really go off here, but I will refrain.  The last time I made some comments regarding the treatment of people of color on the show, I got a letter from NBC legal.  So I won’t say anything about Liza being treated like ‘the help’.  She seemed grateful to get away from Meanie (Stephanie) and Weenie (Poppy).  As the two blonde's drive away to procure supplies, the plotting begins—not that it ever really ended.
Octane’s leader, Clint, immediately hones in on Brandy to help with the perfume perspective.  Now, I have to let Clint off the chauvinist hook here as the lone girl on the team insists that she just isn’t that girly.  This is the same girl that was half naked last week and making salacious comments to Mr. Trump about her preference for older men.  Color Clint confused.  One week she is a hot mama willing to shake it fast, and the next week Gloria Steinem has inhabited her body.  She bemoans her plight to a sympathetic Ivanka to provide herself with an out should Clint and his first mate, Stueart, decide to throw Brandy under the bus in the boardroom. 
In the end, there is no contest whatsoever as Poppy’s team loses soundly.  She apparently tied her boa too tight and lost circulation to her brain that would have alerted her to the fact that her project looked like Hobby Lobby meets Penthouse.  Her firing follows a typical screech fest between Liza and Stephanie.  Had those two just stayed quiet, they would have noticed their dizzy PM had basically taken the fall ten minutes earlier.  But in true Fortitude fashion, we have to have screaming banshees to round out the evening.  Maybe it’s just me, but this stuff is harder to watch every week.  The best part of the whole show was Poppy’s cab ride where she proudly tells the audience that she wants to pursue a career in fashion, intergalactic space flight or dentistry.  Sorry, Pops…Stephanie did all that already.  Nevertheless, the Rockport Next Steps (which is usually just Mr. Trump’s size 11’s walking all over your dead, fired boy and professional reputation) is a bit on Poppy talking about her new job as a stem cell researcher.  At that point, I looked around waiting for Ashton Kutcher to jump out from behind my television. 
OWN IT-ISM #8:  Owning your mistakes is honorable and right.  It is also almost always fatal.  But at least you die a hero and not a coward.

Wendy's Window

When Alanna received notification from the United States Naval Academy that she had been accepted, we were all thrilled and excited (of course)! Alanna and I took long walks every afternoon, serving two purposes -- to keep in shape for her upcoming Plebe year at the Academy and, most importantly, to spend time with each other and share our thoughts. On one particular afternoon, Alanna said, "What would you and Dad say if I decided not to go to the Academy?"  I was shocked, but asked why she would contemplate declining such a opportunity. She stated, "I'm really scared! I'm scared of leaving home...scared I won't be able to hack it...scared that I'll be an outcast because I'm a girl...scared that I'll be so far behind my classmates because I'm from such a small town and didn't have the educational opportunities that so many others had...I'm just scared I'll fail, disappointing you, Dad and me!"  I vividly recall my response to her because it goes to the very core of what I believe! I told Alanna, "You WILL GO to the Academy...not just for you...not for me...not for your father. You will go because it is your duty to prove to yourself and EVERY YOUNG WOMAN what can be accomplished when you dedicate yourself to a dream. You WILL GO and your success will PROVE that women are just as capable, if not more so, than men. You WILL GO and you WILL SUCCEED because you ARE strong, intelligent and dedicated! Finally, You WILL GO because one day another young woman will somehow hear about everything you endured, that it was tough, but that if you did it -- she CAN do it too!"  Alanna finally understood the importance of this decision, for her and for other young women, and felt empowered to conquer all the challenges awaiting her.

Gene...I have soooo many memories and stories that go to the heart of women in the military/women's abilities to overcome insurmountable obstacles -- as well as the absolute shameful conditions that many of our veterans endure after honorably serving. I would be thrilled to contribute whatever you would like to your blog in the hopes that they would spark a passion in your readers, for your cause...for our veterans...for women in our military and society as a whole.

On a final note (I know...this is a long-winded response and I apologize!), I would love to send you a DVD I created as a gift for every sailor on board the USS STETHEM DDG-63 -- the ship my daughter is on. I wanted to do something for each and every sailor on board this holiday season to show my appreciation for their hard work, dedication and sacrifice. I wanted to let them know that, although I'm "just a mom," I do care about them and am humbled by all they do. I created the DVD using photos emailed to me by the sailors (they think I'm a Cruise Book vendor...thus keeping the "surprise" element going), added music and captions in order to create a lasting "treasure" that I hope will bring them joy and reinforce the pride that is rightfully theirs. Every sailor on board the USS STETHEM is getting his/her own copy of the DVD and it will "premiere" at the Christmas party just before the official holiday "break." The DVD is so fun and fabulous (if I do say so myself)! Perhaps you have a business address where I could forward a copy to you?

So.........I guess that's FINALLY the end of my ramblings to you for now. Again, please accept my sincere thanks for taking time from your busy life to communicate w/me and know that what you're doing will deeply affect so many deserving veterans, their families and their friends! YOU ROCK!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A peek through Wendy's Window...

I would love for you to share any information regarding my daughter and/or me on your blog (which I have been visiting)! "Wendy's Window" is a very catchy title! I do feel very strongly about women in the military and (obviously) instilled the notion -- "You can do ANYTHING you desire...because YOU are a strong, intelligent and dedicated woman" -- in my daughter her entire life. I have many, many stories I could share w/you that might inspire other young women -- allowing them to REALLY KNOW that they ARE CAPABLE of great things, no matter their life circumstances. It would be a honor and a blessing to be able to share these stories, in the hope that if they touch even one young woman and inspire her to greatness, then my daughter would have a "legacy" -- so to speak. I'd like to share one, short example...if you don't mind...

Would love to receive feedback on Wendy's Window and to receive stories from Veterans, their spouses and family members regarding their unique stories and thoughts on their loved ones and the PROCESS behind their willingness to participate in a service to our country.

Thank You Wendy for sharing your daughter (name withheld) and your desire to be an inspiration!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


As I began this blog in an effort to meet request from several people who were interested in "hearing" my voice and the subsequent emails, facebook request and twitter comments of support and encouragement, I am pleased to announce that The GENEuine Article is GROWING!

I received a very heartwarming story that has inspired me to create a new storyline entitled WENDY'S WINDOW. The significance of this is that it will feature stories and snippets from the vantage point of the parents of young people who have chosen to serve in our country's armed forces. Wendy, the mother of a naval academy graduate wrote to me and has given me permission to publish that letter on this blog. My gift to her and her family will be an ongoing piece that bears her name. The last 4 years of my career in the Air Force, I was chosen to serve as an Air Force Recruiter. I was barely in my 20's and here I was an ambassador to my community. The MOST rewarding part of this special duty assignment was my involvement not only with community leaders and politicians, but, my participation in the lives of my recruits families. The countless dinners, invitations to weddings and funerals and christenings, that over the years, I simply chalked it up to just doing my job. I was an EXTREMELY successful Recruiter. The ONE thing that made me MOST successful was my ability to present the Air Force mission without deceiving one, single recruit. NOT A SINGLE ONE! THANK YOU Wendy for reminding me of this and that my service hasn't stopped just because I'm out of the Air Force. This is for you and your gift to your country....your daughter....GOD BLESS!

Secondly, expect another addition to the blog entitled "BeSIDE every great man..." I'm pleased to announce that this will be written by a soon to be PHD that will inform, educate and entertain from a wide variety of topics. Raw and unedited by me, after all this is The GENEuine Article and censorship would make it less than GENEuine. :-)
I hope you enjoy and encourage more and more people to follow.


Friday, November 12, 2010


Everyone knows the story of David versus goliath, right? If not, check out the premiere of my trilogy. Goliath had the attributes of someone EXTREMELY intimidating, he was HUGE and I can imagine that he was ripped with muscles.  In fact Goliath brings to mind several bullies I’ve met as a youngster who would strike fear into my heart and several bullies that I’m dealing with CURRENTLY….more on that later…Goliath’s don’t always have to be physically imposing, they can hold economic might (such as a bank or country), authoritative power (federal, state and local governments), control of natural resources (utility companies).  As I’ve gotten older, I prefer the bullies who rely on just physical might, because the other type of Goliaths are ALOT more dangerous and subversive.
In the story, I’m sure Goliath looked down at David and couldn’t help but grin. I mean here was this puny kid with a slingshot….I can hear the jeers from Goliaths squad counting another victory. I can also feel the stress and fear from David’s squad that this kid was called to defeat Goliath, ruh roh….and with a slingshot…ooookkkaaayyy….
Goliath does all the things a bully does, they scream, push, taunt, threaten, intimidate and REMIND you of just how small you are and the amount of power at their disposal.  Just do it my way and I may let you live. WTF? We’re living in a society that today, we all cover for Goliath, because he’s soooo powerful and without Goliath, we just couldn’t make it. We turn our minds and our lives over to almighty Goliath! I mean we have teachers and schools raising our children, we let politicians tell us what to believe in and vote for, we allow pharmaceutical companies to market synthesized cures that have side effects worse than the disease, Television has become everyone’s nanny, We allow our governments to harass, harang and incarcerate groups of people with the least amount of evidence and a ton of bureaucratic pestering. Is it just me or does this sound like lunacy? We have the government in OUR minds, bodies, values and freedoms! THIS ISN’T MY AMERICA! I didn’t raise my right hand and pledge an oath to serve, defend and die so that Goliath could make David his bitch. As we survey the attitude that Goliath has, it would be a sense of arrogance, persuasiveness and malevolence. Goliath exudes arrogance because he know s that he created a system that everyone feeds on and without that system things would die (too big to fail come to mind?), so Goliath creates special-interest groups and woo politicians in an effort to feed his big appetite for more power and control. Which leads into persuasiveness, Goliath can be a real charmer, has to be…because people need to think they NEED Goliath, we were bombed on 9/11, we need the Patriotic Act, way too many illegal immigrants, let’s start “rounding ‘em up” He’s going to destroy the health care system as we know it! Goliath usually starts off with something simple to SCARE us into giving him more power.    Goliath is so massive that of course he’d overlook any weak areas; I mean there isn’t any right? If there are, then let’s wait to see how this all pans out and if it goes critical mass, then we’ll let the next guy worry about it. Goliath is ultimately malevolent because if you don’t “play ball” or if Goliath has a system designed just right and you fail to play along? Goliath will attempt to silence you.  Goliath has gotten smart over the centuries, the biblical Goliath WASN’T a charmer, but as all things evolve, so did Goliath and he found it necessary to become a charmer and to “encourage” people to see things his way. Goliath’s gotta eat! There are a great many leadership lessons to be found regarding Goliath and we will discuss those after finding out what it means to be David, for we’re all David at one time or another. The deal with Goliath is ultimately he’s a coward and once you break through the fear and intimidation of his size, scope of influence and strength, Goliath CAN and WILL be defeated.  All you need is the proper weapon and know where to strike.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I’d rather be DAVID than GOLIATH!

The Philistine army had gathered for war against Israel. The two armies faced each other, camped for battle on opposite sides of a steep valley. A Philistine giant measuring over nine feet tall and wearing full armor came out each day for forty days, mocking and challenging the Israelites to fight. His name was Goliath. Saul, the King of Israel, and the whole army were terrified of Goliath.
One day David, the youngest son of Jesse, was sent to the battle lines by his father to bring back news of his brothers. David was probably just a young teenager at the time. While there, David heard Goliath shouting his daily defiance and he saw the great fear stirred within the men of Israel. David responded, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of God?"
So David volunteered to fight Goliath. It took some persuasion, but King Saul finally agreed to let David fight against the giant. Dressed in his simple tunic, carrying his shepherd's staff, slingshot and a pouch full of stones, David approached Goliath. The giant cursed at him, hurling threats and insults.
David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied ... today I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds of the air ... and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel ... it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord's, and he will give all of you into our hands."
As Goliath moved in for the kill, David reached into his bag and slung one of his stones at Goliath's head. Finding a hole in the armor, the stone sank into the giant's forehead and he fell face down on the ground. David then took Goliath's sword, killed him and then cut off his head. When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they turned and ran. So the Israelites pursued, chasing and killing them and plundering their camp.
• Why did they wait forty days to begin the battle? Probably for several reasons. Everyone was afraid of Goliath. He seemed invincible. Not even King Saul, the tallest man in Israel, had stepped out to fight. Also, the sides of the valley were very steep. Whoever made the first move would have a strong disadvantage and probably suffer great loss. Both sides were waiting for the other to attack first.
• David chose not to wear the King's armor because it felt cumbersome and unfamiliar. David was comfortable with his simple slingshot, a weapon he was skilled at using. God will use the unique skills he's already placed in your hands, so don't worry about "wearing the King's armor." Just be yourself and use the familiar gifts and talents God has given you. He will work miracles through you.
• David's faith in God caused him to look at the giant from a different perspective. Goliath was merely a mortal man defying an all-powerful God. David looked at the battle from God's point of view. If we look at giant problems and impossible situations from God's perspective, we realize that God will fight for us and with us. When we put things in proper perspective, we see more clearly and we can fight more effectively.
• When the giant criticized, insulted and threatened, David didn't stop or even waver. Everyone else cowered in fear, but David ran to the battle. He knew that action needed to be taken. David did the right thing in spite of discouraging insults and fearful threats. Only God's opinion mattered to David.
Are you facing a giant problem or impossible situation? Stop for a minute and refocus. Can you see the situation more clearly from God's vantage point?
Do you need to take courageous action in the face of insults and fearful circumstances? Do you trust that God will fight for you and with you? Remember, God's opinion is the only one that matters.