
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Wendy's Window

When Alanna received notification from the United States Naval Academy that she had been accepted, we were all thrilled and excited (of course)! Alanna and I took long walks every afternoon, serving two purposes -- to keep in shape for her upcoming Plebe year at the Academy and, most importantly, to spend time with each other and share our thoughts. On one particular afternoon, Alanna said, "What would you and Dad say if I decided not to go to the Academy?"  I was shocked, but asked why she would contemplate declining such a opportunity. She stated, "I'm really scared! I'm scared of leaving home...scared I won't be able to hack it...scared that I'll be an outcast because I'm a girl...scared that I'll be so far behind my classmates because I'm from such a small town and didn't have the educational opportunities that so many others had...I'm just scared I'll fail, disappointing you, Dad and me!"  I vividly recall my response to her because it goes to the very core of what I believe! I told Alanna, "You WILL GO to the Academy...not just for you...not for me...not for your father. You will go because it is your duty to prove to yourself and EVERY YOUNG WOMAN what can be accomplished when you dedicate yourself to a dream. You WILL GO and your success will PROVE that women are just as capable, if not more so, than men. You WILL GO and you WILL SUCCEED because you ARE strong, intelligent and dedicated! Finally, You WILL GO because one day another young woman will somehow hear about everything you endured, that it was tough, but that if you did it -- she CAN do it too!"  Alanna finally understood the importance of this decision, for her and for other young women, and felt empowered to conquer all the challenges awaiting her.

Gene...I have soooo many memories and stories that go to the heart of women in the military/women's abilities to overcome insurmountable obstacles -- as well as the absolute shameful conditions that many of our veterans endure after honorably serving. I would be thrilled to contribute whatever you would like to your blog in the hopes that they would spark a passion in your readers, for your cause...for our veterans...for women in our military and society as a whole.

On a final note (I know...this is a long-winded response and I apologize!), I would love to send you a DVD I created as a gift for every sailor on board the USS STETHEM DDG-63 -- the ship my daughter is on. I wanted to do something for each and every sailor on board this holiday season to show my appreciation for their hard work, dedication and sacrifice. I wanted to let them know that, although I'm "just a mom," I do care about them and am humbled by all they do. I created the DVD using photos emailed to me by the sailors (they think I'm a Cruise Book vendor...thus keeping the "surprise" element going), added music and captions in order to create a lasting "treasure" that I hope will bring them joy and reinforce the pride that is rightfully theirs. Every sailor on board the USS STETHEM is getting his/her own copy of the DVD and it will "premiere" at the Christmas party just before the official holiday "break." The DVD is so fun and fabulous (if I do say so myself)! Perhaps you have a business address where I could forward a copy to you?

So.........I guess that's FINALLY the end of my ramblings to you for now. Again, please accept my sincere thanks for taking time from your busy life to communicate w/me and know that what you're doing will deeply affect so many deserving veterans, their families and their friends! YOU ROCK!!!

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