
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Task 9 Review:  In an accelerating spiral of decline, this week’s task was to be a commercial for ATT and Flo TV.  Stephanie immediately pounces on the PM role.  Of course she has had experience in digital media!  Her decision to delegate to Liza was a critical error.  She wanted to boss everyone (including the director).  The only problem with that was running on turbo speed with a terrible idea will only get you nowhere fast(er).  The blame game just keeps rolling.  It is terribly sad to see the all female and diverse team just rip each other to shreds and self destruct in the process. 
            Not that Octane was faring a whole lot better.  Steuart jumps in as the PM for this task, but he completely wimps out when Clint grabs control and barrels forward with his slapstick ideas.  Brandi goes ‘deer in headlights’ for most of the task.  I wouldn’t call this one a win by any stretch.  Is it just me or does Clint just look bumpkin-ier (yes, that’s a word) every week?  What was up with the Pee Wee Herman hair and Jerry Lewis schtick?  What has goofy got to do with it?  If it was Donald Duck’s apprentice, okay. Donald Trump, I think not.  Additionally, how was Clint quick to put the kibosh on ‘sex sells’ this week citing the fact that he has three sons? He was into it last week.  I guess some people really will do anything to win.
            The icing on this cake was Brandi’s second misreading of her own notecards.  If I stumbled through one task and was branded illiterate, what does that make Brandi?  The boardroom has become a snoozefest as everyone’s shortcomings are glossed over.  Mr. Trump must just be pulling names out of hats at this point because NONE of these folks has what it takes.  Steuart is completely mum as he offered nothing in terms of leadership.  Octane just sucked a little less than Fortitude.  Thankfully, Stephanie got the boot.  She is so arrogant and conceited it is nice to know we will be spared more of her resume embellishments in the last few episodes.  What is more concerning is of what we will not be spared.  More of Clint’s campy spoofs and gags?  Clint and Steuart’s boyish shenanigans? Brandi’s bumbles and stumbles? Liza’s dodging of any and all responsibility for anything?  I did have to laugh out loud during Stephanie and Rockport’s Next Steps.  The way she spun her new ‘job’ was laugh out loud hilarious.  She said she is working for the Trump Organization.  What she meant to say was that she is working for the Trump Network.  Ladies and Gentlemen, this is not a network in the television media sense of the word.  It is a network like Mary Kay, Avon and Amway are networks. Argh!!!! The sad truth is that no one has gotten a job that pays as a result of being on this show.  Here is the running tally to date:

Uh....update coming in a special segment....
    Okay, you are a billionaire who sees the struggling economy and doesn’t like what he sees.  You proclaim (from the back of your limo) that you are going to ‘do something about it’.  DO a "Where are they Now?" and tell me—What is it that has been done?  None of us is better off, and many are just struggling to get out of bed in the morning.  This is Mr. Trump’s effort to give folks a second chance?  WOW! Someone tell the emperor that the draft he is feeling may be due to the fact that he is parading down Madison Avenue without a stitch on!!!

OWN IT-ism #9:  Do not let your personal like or dislike of a person lead you to ignore or underestimate their value and potential to sink your ship. Liza’s criticisms were valid.  Her incompetence was fatal.  Stephanie ignored both and paid the price.


  1. Well spoken....if this is the best of the best we have to chose from I certainly don't know, of course I am a much better critic on Design star than the apprentice I still know enough about business to know that some of these tasks are business 101. I have flubbed up a presentation before because of nerves and that happens but the further we go with these last contestants the less I see.....Are you on the finale? i didn't see you on the preview?

  2. dzyner, I was not asked to come back to the finale which won't be live, it was for people they felt needed redemption based on editing????
