Saturday, November 12, 2016

Genuine Voices needed more NOW than EVER!!!!

First, let me start off by saying welcome back to The Geneuine Article! It has been far too long since I have added anything to the blog. That doesn't mean I haven't been busy or forgotten about WHY this blog was created in the first place. This blog is a result of my time on The Apprentice which resulted in millions of viewers' positive response to my genuine approach to leadership and authentic manner of engaging relationships. Privately, people would refer to me as the genuine article unafraid to be my 100% authentic self. Given that, the President-Elect is Donald J. Trump with Majority of Republicans being re-elected. So, we, at The Geneuine Article we believe NOW more than EVER is the perfect time for independent voices to be heard. These are unprecedented, contentious times with one of the most controversial Presidential candidates in America's recent history. For all the rhetoric we are headed into VERY unfamiliar territory. My hope is that we will be a genuine voice of calm, reason and wisdom to unpack the upcoming events over the next four years. So, hang in there 'cuz ut's gonna be a bumpy ride!

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