Welcome to The TRUMP TRACKER page of The GENEuine Article! As we enter the era of a Trump Presidency, and as Donald J. Trump is inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States after running one of the longest and contentious elections in our nations young history.
I know that there are television programs, youtube channels, and books written about Trump, the Trump family, and what makes this man tick. During his unconventional ascent to the highest office in our land, he has done so by alienating many of you, proving to not be a friend to the diversity and the strides made by people historically unrepresented in America.
Throughout mankind's history, we have been met with tyrants, fascists, and leaders who have threatened to undo the thin thread of peace, unity, and understanding. It is times like this that the masses have spoken with a unified voice in an effort to bring about change. There are countless examples of pioneers and courageous individuals and groups who have taken on these threats and impacted the mantle of leadership.
Make no mistake, we have many challenges, obstacles and difficult decisions to make over the course of the next four years. Four years that will demand a great deal from you dear reader to stand up to the path and policies outlined by this President and his followers, which could ultimately lead to a social civil war. The question we need to ask of each other is, are we willing? Do we contain the courage?
Now, is the time for action, We are calling on each and every one of you to be a watchdog. We encourage each of you to subscribe, report, identify, protest and demand action to bring about a more perfect, inclusive union. The America as we hoped would come about is being challenged.
January 20, 2017, may have ushered in the loud, brash, divisive era of Trump, but, it also affords us an opportunity to construct a unified message, organize our efforts and be more active, engaged and diligent in those efforts.
All is not lost, Dear reader, we may be bruised, we may have fear, but use that energy to be a force to be reckoned with, let your voice be heard, hold your representatives accountable and support those you intend to not give up the fight.
This is what makes our nation so great, our fighting spirit! We are at our best when we are under pressure and the freedoms we cherish are threatened.
March on, fight on and let your voice be heard right here at The GENEuine Article and we welcome all comments on The TRUMP TRACKER as we cover this man, his cabinets and contemplate the outcomes and how they will impact our country.
God Bless each of you and God Bless America!