Friday, November 26, 2010

Our 15 minutes are up????

As I watched this past episode of The Apprentice, it is apparent that with NO LIVE FINALE, this series has come to a close. Perhaps, it was DOA, I'm not sure. But, it's time to close my task reviews as the program has been gasping for air and has chosen to go quietly into the night.

There are those who felt that my reviews have been harsh and my assessment of my fellow contestants were made with malice, I assure you no malice was intended and as far as my fellow contestants go, they need to search themselves and reflect on their behavior when the cameras WEREN'T rolling. Now, I don't claim to be a paragon of virtue and values, but, I've found it best to maintain WHO I am regardless of what's at stake.

I want to be clear, I'm ending my reviews because my request were heard and I was given the opportunity to re mediate my brand and undo some of the damage that was done. I feel it's time to move onward and upward. While The Apprentice wasn't the experience I had hoped for, it is over and it's on my list of one more thing I've done. It's time to close this paragraph in a page of my life and move on.

I'm fortunate to have acquired one really genuine friend from this experience and SHE knows who she is...
The GENEuine Article will remain an AUTHENTIC voice.

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