
Saturday, November 12, 2016

Know when to do nothing

So, I'm headed in my first real vacation in almost 4 years and a year since leaving new york after season 10 of the apprentice. This has been one of the most faith challenging times of my life and lord knows I've had some tough years! In the past I've always been able to smile through it and move on. This season however it's been hard to smile on the inside.
Ill spare you all the gory details, lets just say I never thought I'd make it to this side of the view.
This past year it view seemed as if every demon in hell had been set loose and hunting me down. I want sure what the next day would bring our if my luck had run out.
As a kid, when something good needed to happen, id call on "folkesy magic" you know that feeling where you just KNEW things would turn out alright. In the past, regardless of how bad things would get, I just believed that god  would make them all ok. This was the first time, I not only struggled with the concept, I just gave up on it. It was all I could do to get up in the morning. Let me explain my giving up....ive operated on the pull myself up by the emotional bootstraps philosophy. I would MAKE things better. There had to be something I could do or say to help make my situation improve. So, I did EVERYTHING! The results weren't any better. I COULDN'T do ANYTHING!I felt powerless, impotent and lost. So, I did the only thing left for me to do....NOTHING!
Oh, I kept showing up, I kept pushing through, sometimes, crawling through is probably more appropriate. It was then I saw THE most miraculous thing happen...things began to click, people started acting in ways I still can't explain. I could see things in a way I never could before. The truth was revealed. Information was bring shared and even my enemies started tripping over themselves and all the while, I did and said NOTHING. I prayed, I kept getting up...but the worry subsided, the fear retreated and I began to speak more boldly, be more open and less ashamed and guilty. It is a powerful feeling!
At THE most challenging time of my life, I felt stronger, more confident, lighter and more focused.
You see for the first time in my life, I did nothing and by doing nothing, it allowed God to work miracles in my life! By doing nothing, I could hear God and watch his work. All so that he can work THROUGH me!
Dont be afraid to do nothing, I dont care what it is or looks like...because in doing nothing, you get out of the way to let God work through you....

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