
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Did the fat lady choke on a note?

We've come to the end of the road??? The reviews are in and I find MOST people feel the ending was anti-climatic. That's unfortunate because the story was SUPPOSED to be uplifting, motivational and inspirational and in the fell flat. While I was extremely relieved that Brandy won The Apprentice, I feel for her because I know she attempted to keep a positive outlook and she, like all of us wanted to be part of something amazing. While my performance reviews have been criticized by some of my fellow contestants as harsh, it was A CALL TO ACTION! It's VERY, VERY tempting to give into the allure of the bright lights and the big city and an iconic figure, but at the end of the day? NO ONE cares more about your brand and your values than you. That being said if you espouse a value, fundamental belief or way of life, there should never be a job, amount of money or an iconic figure that you should allow to cause you to be unfaithful to who you are and what you believe. Once you start down that road, there's no turning back. Trust me, I KNOW! There were talks of being inspired by Jesus and not wanting to be objectified as a female and I encourage each one to go back and review the "edited" footage of themselves and ask if you maintained your values...if you haven't? NOW is the time to work through that. I don't claim to be perfect, pious or judgemental, but, I've been tempted enough to know that what you thought you wanted and coveted wasn't worth it once you got it. I was disappointed when I witnessed some of the brightest people with the best intentions, hopes and dreams fall for the oldest trick in the book and that trick is pride and vanity. ( Encouraged by crafty Exec. producer's with empty promises). Games have been used for centuries to teach us about war and the potential mettle of a leader and since the apprentice was nothing but a game, how do you think you fared? The game of Chess is of course a game of strategy and is a game of war strategy and most often what you do in that game can lead to life or death in the battlefield. When you look at the game of The Apprentice, in the end was it worth what you left on the field? Because for me, the bar was set at $250,000k and The GENE FOLKES brand is worth A LOT more than $250k.(PRICELESS ACTUALLY) What's YOUR brand worth? When you're alone and looking in the mirror, ask yourself....What price buys my values? Find an answer you're comfortable with and good luck to you.


  1. Personally, I think I know why NBC, Trump and Burnett didn't do a live finale:

    1. NBC knew the ratings were not going to be that great (but that has been the case for most of NBC's lineup, which other than The Apprentice I have not watched any of this season).

    2. NBC knew the finale was going to be opposite an NFL Network game, in this case Colts-Titans. When that match-up was announced as one of the games on NFL Network last spring, it looked like it would be a match-up for the AFC South title with a Titans team back on the rise as well as a battle between Peyton Manning and Vince Young, with Young apparently having gotten back to where he was when he first came into the NFL a few seasons ago, looking like he'd finally get the superstar status he looked destined for coming out of Texas. That, coupled with likely pre-emptions by NBC Stations in and around Nashville and Indianpolis (as NFL broadcast rules require over-the-air telecasts of NFL Network and ESPN games in the home markets of the teams playing) may have played a big part in why there was no finale (NBC never had the finale previously have to deal with being opposite an NFL Network game).

    3. Even if that weren't the case, I would think that even with 5-6 months notice, no suitable venue was available either because such were already booked for holiday parties or other things, including memorials for John Lennon as Wednesday marked the 30th anniversary of his passing.

    If it weren't the former cases, it would likely have then been the latter.

    Just my view.

  2. So true Gene, it was hard walking away from design star after I found out they would own my ideas. My ideas are me, and I will not sell out to make them fit status quo. You know as well as I do what changes need to be made in the direction we see ahead. I am excited to work on developing a new brand of senior living with you.You were on the show long enough to get noticed and move forward with your vision, but you left before the mud really started flying so I think it was perfect. I would be embarrassed if I was some of those other contestants,maybe nice guys do finish last sometimes. But that's okay when they come in first it is the right working environment. Our time is coming!

  3. @wallyhorse, I won't claim to know the real reason for no live finale, but....I'm thinking it may have had something to do with ratings and a fear of asking "Where are they now?"

  4. @ralph, Thanks for your comments. shoot me an email at and let's talk...

  5. You make good points, Gene. In the end this was a competition, but it was a BUSINESS competition much like any time individuals or companies compete for business, so while everyone wanted to win, integrity had to be there. What amazed me most was bringing back Anan and Mr. Trump actually telling him how much he admired him!!! He flat out lied and couldn't even take responsibility when he was caught! I wouldn't want to work with someone like that. That alone really damaged my overall respect for Trump.

    You are right - the end fell completely flat and was so disappointing. Wouldn't it have been uplifting to have him "hire" Brandy instead of so coldly firing Clint after all they had been through? And would it have hurt the Trumps to walk around the table and congratulate Brandy? It was just cold and heartless and a letdown. Maybe the producers have run out of juice.

    Regardless, you seem like a good person who deserves good things to come to him. I wish you well.

  6. Gene:

    I'm not claiming to know anything at all, as I said, it was my view. The NFL game, however, would make sense, since when NBC had to make the decision in May/June on whether the finale would be live or not, the view of many was that Colts-Titans had the potential to be a game for the AFC South title and possibly also for home field throughout the playoffs. If both teams had been 10-2 or 11-1 (which some felt might be the case) instead of the 6-6 the Colts were and 5-7 the Titans were going into that game (which did have importance anyway for the AFC South since the Jaguars only lead the division at 7-5 going into their game Sunday), it would be a very safe bet to say that the game probably would have challenged the ratings for Monday night games on ESPN that routinely have broken all ratings records for cable broadcasts.

    I'm pretty sure NBC took into account the possibility that Colts-Titans could have been a much bigger matchup than it turned out to be, and if it had a potential major ratings eater (well above what it was anyway). In addition, NBC likely factored in pre-emptions in Indy and Nashville due to their having to show the game over-the-air, and that's why I think (as I doubt NBC would want to admit so if it actually was the case) that the NFL game was the reason the finale wasn't live. Given what that matchup had the potential to be in June, I can see why NBC would have gone that route if that was why.

  7. @wallyhorse, It's cool and you could be correct. you just never know about these things. :-)

  8. Thanks Gene:

    I used to have regular contact with someone who works at another network, and we discussed matters like this a lot. He mentioned to me years ago something like that is something networks will rarely, if ever admit to (which is why for instance it was quite a shock when NBC admitted in May 2005 the reason "Law & Order" spinoff "Trial By Jury" was canceled was because the age of the average viewer was 54, which was WAY too old for ad buyers who were then and still now obsessed with 18-49, as "TBJ" actually had good enough overall ratings to warrant being renewed).

    Anyway, I now know the NBC station in Nashville in fact did preempt the finale for Colts-Titans (through a friend of mine who lives there, who also noted people there had to actually wait until Friday's CNBC airing to see it as apparently that NBC affiliate didn't air it at all), and I'm sure NBC knew this was going to happen last summer when the schedule was drawn up for airing this season, also playing into why there was no live finale.

  9. @wally Thank You for bringing that to light! We don't claim to know it all, but we do insist on being GENEuine even if that means there's a chance someone has more insight then I do...Thank You so much!

  10. Gene, I love your views of the last few episodes of the apprentice. I've always wanted to talk about on my blog, but you do it better; having been on the show yourself. Can't help but laugh. Keep up the good work

  11. Gene:
    Pearls of wisdom spring from your mouth (or, more precisely, fingers) once again! It did appear that many contestants fell victim to vanity, pride and GREED -- one of the oldest temptations, but still one of the most alluring to those who don't follow their heart.
    Your summaries of the episodes were not only insightful but also CRAZY HILARIOUS! There are very few things that make me laugh out loud as I read them and your summaries cracked me up! Eloquent, witty and a GENEuine word wizard! :~)

  12. @Josiah, THANK YOU immensely! I just type and share whatI believe and feel. You have a voice and just start letting it be heard and you'll be amazed at who wants to listen

  13. @Wendy Of course I'm EXTREMELY grateful for your comments. I promise to post your additions shortly. Please forgive me, but it's been busy. WE have good work to do! All my best to you and your family.
