Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Last days of Gene Folkes

Are you ready...?
If YOUR last december came, what would you do? Do you think anyone would remember to remember you? Did you stand tall or did you fall did you give your all? excerpt from The Rainbow Children by Prince
I'm dying...I know as we all are...but, in my final days, it provides an opportunity for me to take a retrospective of my life and I begin to ask if I lived it just how I thought I would or should...question remains to be answered. I know that as I look around me, the FIRST thing that comes to mind is have I asked for forgiveness from the people that I've hurt and have I forgiven those who've hurt me? question remains to be answered. It's interesting because as I lie here, all of the anger, worry, grief and strife seem so unimportant as I enter the last december of my life. Before anyone starts sending their sympathies or tears start to falll or if cheers of joy ring out, wait for it...because you are guaranteed to go through this process too...
As we enter the last days of 2010, will you join me in this series as we lay to rest those things that prohibit us from reaching our full potential? That it is in dying that only then can we embrace life and live a more meaningful existence full of love, laughter, forgiveness and grace...stay tuned as we enter The Last days of Gene Folkes... questions remain to be answered..

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