
Friday, January 6, 2017

Just Another brick in The Wall

According to the band Pink Floyd, the "wall" is the self-isolating barrier we build over the course of our lives, and the "bricks in the wall" are the people and events that turn us inward and away from others.” In 1982 Pink Floyd released the song “Another Brick in the Wall.”
During the US Presidential election of 2016, then candidate Trump shouted and bellowed that a certain group of people were rapist, murderers and criminals and as such there needed to be greater border protection to stop the floor of illegal immigrants from crossing those borders.
When asked how he would fix the problem,  candidate Trump said he would deport all illegals back to Mexico and he would build a wall, a REALLY big wall with a little door so those who could enter legally would be able to enter.  When pressed on who would pay for the wall,  Donald Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall.  Throughout his entire campaign he said Mexico was going to pay to build the wall.
The brash real Estate mogul communicated that he made billions by building things, great big things and building a wall along the 2,000 miles of the southern United States and would cost billions to construct.
Here we have a master spin master, using almost fifth grade level logic to express and exploit the fear of his base.
Trump cited several cases where the system failed and innocent people were assaulted by illegal immigrants. He highlighted and criticized so-called Sanctuary cities.
For almost a year, in what felt like the longest election season ever that often felt like a reality television series, Trump kept repeating the same war cry, BUILD A WALL and Mexico will pay for it.
I'm convinced that even his base want completely convinced that a wall of that magnitude could actually be built nor had they calculated the cost. But, then again Mexico easy going to pay for it right?
Well, fast forward post election and now President-elect Trump is undertaking the task of transitioning into the White House. So, many decisions to make, so many tweets to send, so many cabinet post to fill.
I'm not sure I've witnessed such a highly reported transition of a President. There are the choices of who to perform at his Inauguration, what to serve, who's REALLY the first lady Melania or Ivanka? Did Russia truly influence our democratic election process? Oh, lest we forget he had his minions shout "Lock her up!" In reference to his opponent Hillary Clinton. Ahhh, but I digress. What about making America Great Again? We need to get to the business at hand of rebuilding our divided nation brick by brick.
Which,  as you know leads us back to protecting our southern border by building a wall and having Mexico pay for it.
January 6, 2017 several news outlets report that Trump is asking Congress, not Mexico to pay for the walls construction.
Most of us expect to some degree that campaign promises are just empty and most will never come to realization. I won't go into the complexity,  political and economics of such an endeavor as those topics have been covered in detail. However, what is shocking is Trump unabashed disregard for even trying to be diplomatic about breaking such a highly visible key campaign promise.
What's even more shocking is the failure of we the American people to call him out like we called out President Bush for WMD'S or his father for promising no new taxes.
You see Trump has tweeted that for expediency Congress (taxpayers), you and I, should pay for the wall and have Mexico give us an I.O.U.
THIS is the Art of the Deal? The great negotiator?
Why am I convinced there's no brazen lie, no despicable act or insulting comment this man can spew without thinking he's on a reality show and not the leader of the most powerful country on earth?
It's as if our brains haven't embraced the reality or gravity his comments have to influence markets, partnerships and world leaders. Once all that sinks in,  there's a moment of pure panic or at least there should be.
It's at moments like this, I feel like just another brick in the wall and I want to turn inward and away from others as sung in the referenced Pink Floyd song The Wall.
The hope relies in NOT isolation, but grabbing those bricks and hurl them at Trump saying putting the burden of building the wall along the southern U.S. border on the American taxpayer is NOT what you promised and ISN'T  making America Great Again. So, this blog post is my brick that I refuse to be used in constructing a walk of fear from other human beings.
I believe this won't be the last of many of Trumps promises he's going to blatantly break, but this won't be the last brick that people like me and readers like you who love America won't throw at Trump to make sure he knows we are listening and watching.